The number of students going to the Netherlands for their internship will continue to grow. More and more students are going to the Netherlands and also this semester. Five Brazilian students from UFMG and UFV are going to run a project at Avans, HAS and The Hague University of Applied Sciences. Let's introduce the students and their projects:

Home University of Applied Sciences:
Host University of Applied Sciences:
Education course:
Project title:
Vinícius Freitas
Avans University of Applied Sciences
Chemical Engineering
Research and development on biobased colourant

Home University of Applied Sciences:
Host University of Applied Sciences:
Education course:
Project title:
Natália Sinisterra Cortés
The Hague University of Applied Sciences
Environmental Engineering
Comparison of the energy balance of sewage treatment plants

Home University of Applied Sciences:
Host University of Applied Sciences:
Education course:
Project title:
Natália Fernandes Perdigão
Avans University of Applied Sciences
Chemical Engineering
Biorefinery of Lemna (Duckweed)

Home University of Applied Sciences:
Host University of Applied Sciences:
Education course:
Project title:
Isabella de Castro Minhaneli
HAS University of Applied Sciences
Chemical Engineering
Enzymatic treatment and fermentation of biomass residues protocol development of biorefinery

Home University of Applied Sciences:
Host University of Applied Sciences:
Education course:
Project title:
Bárbara Luíza Silva Santiago
Avans University of Applied Sciences
Chemical Engineering
Upgrading of Pyrolysis oil by esterification with alcohols
The above students will all complete a project. In addition to these students, two Brazilian students are following education at UFV and PUC Minas and will attend a semester lectures at Avans University of Applied Sciences. Their names are Caio Vasconcelos and Larissa Fernandes Ribeiro de Assis.
When you are interested in the projects or in the stories of the students, you can follow their blogs via this link. For questions, I will refer you to this email address.

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