brazil (minas gerais)

Brazil is the largest country in South America and the 6th largest country in the world. Brazil has a lot to offer. Here are some highlights; the waterfalls of Foz do Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro, bustling city with the world-famous Copacabana, the Amazon region, Olinda and Recife and of course the world's best beaches in Natal and João Pessoa. Wherever you are, the Brazilian population is nice, hospitable, friendly and enthusiastic. When you want to gain international experience, Brazil is an excellent choice

Check also this page for additional information.

Brazilian partners:

  • Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)
  • Federal University of Vicosa (UFV)
  • Federal University of São Jão Del Rei (UFSJ)
  • Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP)
  • Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (PUC Minas)
  • Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF)

internship in brazil



Living Lab Biobased Brazil offers a number of (graduation) internships projects. These projects take place at partner institutions, such as universities and companies. Like any other international project, a project via the Living Lab requires also a number of additional steps, besides the regular steps you from study. The steps are as follows: 


To participate in the Living Lab project Biobased Brazil you must meet some requirements.

1.     You are undergraduate (BSc) student at Avans, HZ,  NHLStenden, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences or Maastricht University;

2.   Your passport is valid at least 6 months beyond planned date of departure from Brazil;

3.   Apply for an internship project before the DEADLINE: 15/04 or 15/10. 

Before you apply for a study program or internship project via Living Lab Biobased Brazil, make sure you have informed yourself about rules and regulations. Check with your home University.


Here you can find an overview of the topics of the different  projects in Brazil. The document also gives examples of previous internships and graduation projects.


Topics for internships in Brazil - 2025.
Adobe Acrobat Document 249.3 KB

If you see one or more topics (maximum of 3) that you are interested in and if you want to know if there is an internship available on this topic for you, please send an email to Margot Verwei ( The following information should be included:


·       Your name, study program and home university;

·       the topic(s) that you are interested in (in order of preference) and the name of the professor(s);



Next we will contact the professor. Please, do not contact the professor or International Office yourself. We will keep you informed about the outcome.


If the professor(s) have an internship position available, we will organize an online meeting so the professor can get to know you better and you can ask questions about the internship. For this meeting we need:

  • Resume (CV) in English;
  •  English cover letter explaining how this experience fits your current study goals in 150 words.
  • Transcript of grades in English.

After the online meeting, the professor decides if he/she will accept you for an internship. If so, you will get information from us about the next steps of the procedure (see below).


Keep in mind the application deadlines. We need to receive your application before 15/04 or 15/10. If you do not meet the given deadlines we cannot offer you any guarantees. 

Checklist going abroad (Avans UAS). For other Universities : please contact your International Office. Do not forget to register in Osiris: 'verzoek buitenland: buitenlandverblijf/stay abroad.


The visa application and procedure will be of your responsibility. You will be informed about this procedure after your application and we will help you through it along with your host university. Description of the procedure below (subject to change.).


visa protocol.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 200.2 KB


 After we get your application, the next steps will follow:

  • we will connect you with the International Office of your host institution, which will guide you through the enrollment and visa process.
  • Enrollment to Brazilian University (deadline 15/05 or 15/11).
  • Apply for a student exchange visa (not internship visa) for Brazil.
  • Start your internship February/March or August (preferably)/September.

If you have any immediate questions, refer to our FAQ section, or contact us by email.

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