




Zuyd University of Applied Sciences (Zuyd UAS)

Zuyd is an ambitious university of applied sciences located in the heart of Europe, focusing on three core activities: education for students, research for companies and institutes, and training courses and study programmes for professionals. We work intensively with companies, institutions/knowledge institutions, and government bodies across the boundaries of our fields of expertise. We do so because we are convinced that the 21st century is not just about knowledge, but also about the ability to apply that knowledge in practice. With 14,600 students, 34 bachelor's, 9 master's, 3 associate degree and 1 prebachelor programme, 12 sites in three cities, 29 research centres, an average of 7,000 internships and 2,500 graduation projects per year, and with a history stretching back more than 100 years, Zuyd is strongly anchored in Limburg and the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. We make an important contribution to the economic and social development agenda of this region.


Avans University of Applied Sciences (Avans UAS).

The universities of applied sciences (in Dutch: 'hogescholen') offer programs that focus on the practical application of arts and sciences.

"Avans" is a knowledge institution with a powerful position in Brabant, anchored in the Brabant working field. For years Avans have also been known outside the country as the best university of applied sciences valued for its atmosphere and quality of education.


As a knowledge institution, we develop new knowledge for education and society. With our research we want to have impact on social issues. Avans has 4 Centres of Expertise and 2 expertise centers and over 31 professorships. Groups of researchers conduct practice-oriented research. The Centre of Expertise Materials and Energy Transition (MNEXT) is the place where Living Lab interns find their bachelor or graduation assignment. Please read more here.




Research topics for internships vary by period as they are aligned with the ongoing research at that time. 


Zuyd University of Applied Sciences (Zuyd UAS)

Professor Gino van Strijdonck

Professor Tim den Hartog

Biotechnical conversion: biotechnology is one of the modern ways to produce chemical products. Together with companies we research how this technology can be used most sustainably, for instance by using agrarian waste streams. Entry from a wide number of programs such as Chemistry; Chemical Engineering, Chemical Technology; Applied Science; Materials science; Sustainable Energy.


Avans University of Applied Sciences (Avans UAS).

Professor Qian Zhou

Waste plastics/Biomass pyrolysis process optimization (reactor, chemical engineering, simulation, laboratory work). Pyrolysis product purification (chemical engineering, simulation, laboratory work).

Example of previous internships:

  • Pyrolysis of cashew nutshell using Auger pyrolyzer (23).
  • Performing LCA on pyrolysis processes of converting different kinds of feedstocks into valuable end-products by taking into account the whole chain value. Examples: literature research, modelling the pyrolysis process, writing a report, and contact with clients (17). 



Examples of suitable academies

  • Chemical Engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Environmental engineering
  • Material science
  • Upon inquiry

additional information


Possible internship periods 

Upon inquiry 


Working language
